ROF -BPR Sraith 200m Modúl Braite Solais Photodetector Cothromaithe Brathadóir Optúil
ROF -BPR series of balanced light detection module (balanced photodetector)integrates two matching photodiode and an ultra-low noise transimpedance amplifier, effectively reducing the laser noise and common mode noise, improving the system's noise ratio, having a variety of spectral response optional , Low noise, high gain, easy to use and so on, Mainly being used for spectroscopy, heterodyne detection, optical Tomhas moille, tomagrafaíocht chomhleanúnachais optúil agus réimsí eile.
Modulator Optúil ROF 1064Nm Modulator Leictrí Optúil Modulator Optic Optic Modulator Céim VPI
Dallamullóg-PM-UV Modulator céim íseal-VPItá voltas leath-thonn íseal aige(2V)
Tonnfhad Modulator Optúil Electro ROF 1064Nm Modulator Déine 10GHz
ROF-AM 1064NM litium niobateModulator déine optúil